Osteology Wreathed Hornbill Skull #01184 $1000 Collared Peccary Skull #01183 $100 American Marten Skull #01181 $30 North American Beaver Skull #01178 $40 Kinkajou Skull #01177 $200 Miniature Zebu Skull #01171 $250 Eastern Woodrat Skull #01169 $50 Southern Plains Woodrat Skull #01168 $50 Mountain Cottontail Skull #01167 $100 Northern Pocket Gopher Skull #01163 $30 European Hedgehog Skull #01162 $100 Four-Toed Hedgehog Skull #01160 $65 Eurasian Carrion Crow Skull #01156 $100 American Bison Skull #01155 $250 Domestic Rabbit Skull #01154 $30 Kinkajou Skull #01148 $350 Domestic Water Buffalo Skull #01144 $300 Coyote Skull #01143 $75 European Fallow Deer Skull #01142 $150 Collared Peccary Skull #01140 $150 American Mink Skull #01137 $30 Gray Fox Skull #01132 $65 American Badger Skull #01130 $100 Horsefield’s Treeshrew Skull #01129 $100 Black-Backed Jackal Skull #01126 $150 American Bison Skull #01115 $150 Blackbuck Skull #01114 $200 Ruffed Grouse Skull #01111 $50 Dusky Grouse Skull #01110 $65 Emu Skull #01104 $85 Common Brushtail Possum Skull #01103 $150 Bowmouth Guitarfish Jaw #01090 $640 Fossil and Bone Insta-Collection 2 #01083 $85 Yellow-Bellied Marmot Skull #01078 $30 Four-Horned Antelope Horn Plate #01072 $1275 Japanese Quail Skull #01071 $35 Zebra Shark Jaw #01069 $215 Reticulate Whipray Jaw #01068 $425 Brown-Throated Three-Toed Sloth Skull #01063 $2125 Scaly-Breasted Lorikeet Skull #01044 $125 Helmeted Guineafowl Skull #01043 $85 Chilean Flamingo Skull #01037 SOLD PENDING PAYMENT Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Skull #01012 $47 Central Bearded Dragon Skull #01011 $85 Piute Ground Squirrel Skull #01006 $55 Articulated Pelvis Comparative Trio #00994 $100 Articulated Mulefoot Pig Leg #00992 $85 Domestic Turkey Skull #00984 $50 Wild Boar Skull #00964 $85 Longnose Gar Skull #00941 $125 Spotted Gar Skull #00922 $125 Golden Pheasant Skull #00886 $125 Northern Pine Snake Skull #00806 $100 Ring-Necked Pheasant Skull #00798 $45 Eastern Mole Skull #00751 $30 House Mouse Skull Pair #00738 $40 Groundhog Skull #00735 $25 Load More Loading More… You’ve reached the end of the list